Sunday, January 26, 2020
Orthokinesis In Slaters Relative To Humidity
Orthokinesis In Slaters Relative To Humidity There are many different species slaters and for this experiment I chose to test the Porcellio scaber or more commonly known as the Rough Common Woodlouse. This humidity test links to the slaters ecological niche through examining its preferred habitat which is known to be dark, damp and sheltered areas. The Slaters that I collected for testing, I found under old flat pieces of wood that were on damp soil and leaf litter near the Waikato River. A structural adaption that slaters lack is a waxy cuticle layer that is used in most insects to minimise desiccation therefore they are more likely to dry out. As Slaters lack this adaptation of surviving unfavourable conditions, they use other adaptations to remove themselves from these conditions. For example slaters have an orthokinetic response to humidity and temperature. Orthokinesis is a non directional response of the change in the rate of movement due to a stimulus. This means that the slaters will increase their rate of movement when the humidity or temperature is unfavourable so they move out of that area quicker therefore minimising desiccation. Other adaptations are a negative phototaxis which means that they move out of areas that have higher light intensities so that they can minimise desiccation. Slaters are also found clumping together to avoid water loss. The adaptations of slaters are shown in there ecological niche of dark, cool and damp environments. Though knowing their ecological niche I am going to test how different humiditys affect the rate of orthokinesis in slaters so I can determine their preferred humidity. Aim: The aim for this investigation is to determine whether orthokinesis (speed of movement) in Slaters is affected by increasing or decreasing humidity percentages in their test environment. Hypothesis: I think that the lower the humidity the faster the Slaters will travel as it will want to quickly return to an environment that has a higher humidity percentage. While when a Slater is in a high humidity environment the Slater will slow down or completely stop as it would have found a favourable environment. Therefore I think the Slater will move fastest when humidity is 12.5% (LiCl) and will stop moving when humidity is 93.5% (KNOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ). Null Hypothesis: Different humidity percentages will have not affect on the rate of movement in Slaters. Controlled Variables: Experiment is conducted in the same room and the same place on that room. (Middle desk of the project room) Lights are off in all experiments so change of light intensity cannot cause a difference in the rate of movement. Blinds are shut so no change in light intensity from natural light. Air conditioner kept at 20Ãâà °C so change in temperature cannot be the cause for change in rate of movement. Wait 5 minutes for humidity percentage to change to the required humidity that will be created from each chemical so that Slaters have time to become accustomed to their new environment and respond how they naturally would. Use a random selection of Slaters so a random part of the population is being tested and the experiment is relevant to the population. Repeat test of each chemical / Humidity percentage 5 times in each trail and do 3 trials to give a fair test and make sure that the selection of data is large enough to accurately portray the population. Place clear, heavy, plate piece of glass or other heavy clear material on the Petri dish. This holds the experiment in place and stops the humidity from being altered due to incoming or outgoing air into the surrounding environment. Method: Collect all the equipment. 75 Slaters; stored in an ice-cream container with damp soil, bark and raw potato for food. (Collect Slaters 2 days before experiment to allow Slaters to settle into their new environment). The chemicals LiCl, MgCl, Mg(NOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ)à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã¢â¬Å¡, NaCl and KNOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ which will be used to alter the humidity in the experiment to determine whether it is a stimulus that will affect orthokinesis. 5 Petri dishes. (Plus spare to balance glass sheet) 5 pieces of gauze or other breathable material. Stop watch. Ball of string. White board marker. Sheet of glass or clear plastic. 25 mL measuring cylinder. Set the air conditioner at 20Ãâà °C; close the doors, windows, shut the blinds and turn off the lights (this will insure the environment will be the same in all the experiments except for the humidity and that no other stimulus will affect the validity of the results). By setting the temperature at 20Ãâà °C it will cause the chemicals to produce the already proved humidity. LiCl- 12.5% humidity MgCl 33% humidity Mg(NOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ)à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã¢â¬Å¡ 52.9% humidity NaCl 76% humidity KNOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ 93.5% humidity And wait 5 minutes to allow the temperature in the room to reach or drop to 20Ãâà °C. Starting with LiCl, add 15 mL of LiCl into a Petri dish (by measuring with a 25 mL measuring cylinder) which will create a humidity of 12.5% in the test environment. Place a piece of gauze (or other breathable material) over the Petri dish but be careful that the gauze doesnt touch the chemical (LiCl) as the Slaters cannot touch it as it would result in injury to the Slaters and it would affect their orthokinesis and the results would be invalid. Place a randomly selected Slater from the ice-cream container on the gauze, place the lid on the Petri dish and place the glass or plastic sheet on the top of the Petri dish balancing it on both sides by putting other unused Petri dishes under the glass as well. This will keep pressure on the Petri dish so humidity cannot escape through gaps between the lid and dish. If it were to escape it would make results invalid as humidity wouldnt be accurate. Wait 5 minutes ( timing on the stop watch) to allow the LiCl (the chemical) to reach the already identified humidity percentage by causing a reaction that makes Hà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã¢â¬Å¡O either move into or out of the chemical which alters the water content in the air of the environment. This waiting period also allows the Slater to have time to settle into the new environment and take in the humidity. This stops fear and a still changing humidity from influencing the rate of movement and causing the results to be invalid. After waiting 5 minutes, time another minute on the stopwatch and during this time follow the path of the Slater with a whiteboard pen drawing on the glass. Stop tracing when the minute is up. Take off the glass sheet without smudging the whiteboard pen tracings and remove the Slater from the Petri dish and place it into another ice cream container with soil, bark and food so that the Slater doesnt get mixed up with the Slaters still to be tested. Place the lid back on the Petri dish as quickly as possible. Lay a length of string along the whiteboard marker line from the start to the end. Get as exact as possible and mark on the string where the whiteboard marker starts and ends. Take the marked string and lay it flat on the table and measure between the two marked points to find the distance that the Slater travelled. Record data in a data table. Sub the distance into the formula v=d/t (speed equals distance that the Slater travelled divided by the time taken to travel it). This formula will give you the average speed of the Slater during this test and therefore the orthokinesis of the Slater. Use 60 seconds as your measurement of the time taken because the measurement of distance was taken over 1 minute. Remove the whiteboard marker from the glass sheet with a clean cloth. Repeat steps 2 9 four more times using LiCl, until you have 5 travelling distances of Slaters under the humidity created by LiCl. This data will create unbiased results once the 5 pieces of data is averaged. Repeat steps 2 11 using the different chemicals (MgCl, Mg(NOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ)à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã¢â¬Å¡, NaCl, KNOà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ãâ) using a separate Petri dish for each chemical, this will give data of different speeds of Slaters under the different humiditys. This will give you data that will allow you to compare and contrast speeds relative to the humidity. Record all data in a data table. Steps 1 11 are classified as 1 trail. Do at least 3 different trail so that a large proportion of the population is accounted for in the data. Data and Graphs: 12.5% 33% 52.9% 76% 93.5% 1 2.5% Conclusion: The data that I have collected supports my hypothesis that the lower the humidity the faster that the slaters travel, while, when the humidity is high, the slaters will have a slower rate of movement. The scatter graph shows that at 76% and 93.5% humidity slaters travelled significantly slower than at 33% and 52.9% humidity. However at the extreme humiditys of 12.5% and 93.5% humidity I found that my hypothesis was incorrect as the results didnt support my assumption that 93.5% humidity would cause the slaters to stop moving while 12.5% humidity would cause the fastest rate of orthokinesis. The graph shows that 12.5% humidity had a slower rate of movement than 33% humidity and that 93.5% humidity had a faster rate of movement than 76% humidity. The best fit curve show that the rate of movement increases as the humidity moved either side of the preferred humidity. This experiment also proves that humidity has an effect on orthokinesis in slaters and therefore the null hypothesis is in correct. Discussion: I designed and completed this experiment to discover whether or not different humiditys will affect the rate of orthokinesis in Slaters. Through my data I found that humidity does affect orthokinesis in Slaters. When the humidity was at 76% the Slaters moved at their slowest therefore showing that Slaters are at their preferred humidity; they are moving at a slower rate as they dont need to move away quickly as they are already in favourable conditions. At both 33% and 52.9% humidity the Slaters moved significantly faster than they did at the preferred humidity of 76%. This presents the idea of unfavourable conditions as they are travelling faster and therefore wasting energy in order to spend less time in these conditions, and by moving away they are less likely to suffer from desiccation. Slaters are extremely sensitive to desiccation and dont possess many structural adaptations to protect themselves from desiccation. Unlike most insects, Slaters lack a waxy cuticle layer, this layer helps to prevent drying out as it minimises evaporation of water from the exoskeleton. Therefore they rely on their orthokinetic response to remove themselves from areas that cause desiccation by speeding up their rate of activity. This reaction makes it more likely that they will move out of the unfavourable conditions quickly so they spend less time in an area that can cause desiccation and death. At 12.5% humidity Slaters travelled slower than when they were at 33% humidity even though it is a more unfavourable condition. The 12.5% humidity at 20Ãâà °C has more drying power that 33% humidity at 20Ãâà °C so therefore desiccation will being to occur earlier at 12.5% humidity when compared with 33% humidity. The earlier desiccation means that the Slaters cannot physically travel at increased speeds as the desiccation causes problems with the Slaters respiration. The Slaters transport oxygen using pseudo trachea which are small hollow air tubes which carry the oxygen to the Haemolymph. Moisture is needed in the pseudo trachea to dissolve the oxygen and allow it to diffuse into the Haemolymph. Without the moisture the oxygen cannot dissolve and therefore cannot enter the Slaters body for it to use and without oxygen the Slater will die. The Slaters orthokinetic response at 12.5% humidity is to increase its rate of activity in order to get out of those conditions. This is w hat causes the increase of speed compared to the speed of Slaters at the preferred humidity. However because of the early desiccation, the Slaters activity rate is limited because of restricted respiration therefore the speed of the Slaters at 12.5% is less than the speed of the Slaters at 33%. While at 93.5% humidity although the rate of orthokinesis was similar with that or 76% humidity Slaters still moved slightly faster at 93.5% humidity. This is because 93.5% humidity the conditions are not completely favourable as the humidity is so high that it causes the Slaters to become overloaded with water. This effect can also be seen when Slaters leave their shelters after heavy rain as they need to transpire the water that they have taken on. When a Slater takes on too much water they cannot respire properly as the distance that the oxygen needs to diffuse becomes too long therefore the Slater doesnt receive the necessary oxygen that it needs to function this will result in the drowning and death of the Slater. This is why when at 93.5% the rate of movement of Slaters increase from the speed of Slaters at the preferred humidity of 76% even though it is only a slight increase in the rate of movement as the 93.5% humidity is only slightly more unfavourable than 76% humidity. Evaluation: The results of my tests, which have been place in the scatter graph above show that there is a significant relationship between humidity and the rate of orthokinesis in slaters. As the rÃâà ² value is 0.9703 it can be seen that 97% of my datas variation can be contributed to the change in humidity rather than any other variable. This means that my conclusion is valid. During my experiment I had to control many variables so that my results were valid and to prove that the change in the rate of orthokinesis was due to the change in humidity and not due to another variable. For example through my research I found that Slaters are nocturnal animals and that light intensity can also affect their rate of orthokinesis; Because of this, when I did my testing I closed all the blinds and turned off all the lights. By creating this environment I replicated the time period (night) in which Slaters are most active so that I could see significant differences in their rate of movement. By turning off all the lights and closing the blinds I also eliminated another variable that is known to change the rate of movement in Slaters. This meant that my results were valid as I insured that my data wasnt a result of changes in light intensity but was due to the change in humidity. I set the air conditioner at 20Ãâà °C during all my experiments as change in temperature is also a variable that can affect the rate of orthokinesis. By having the temperature the same though all my experiment I eliminated it as a changing variable and once again insured that changes in the speed of Slaters was due to change of humidity and not another variable. Another reason that I set the air conditioner to 20Ãâà °C is because that the chemicals I used required that temperature in order to react and produce the predetermined humidity. Drying power of humiditys also can change due different temperatures. For example the drying power of 33% humidity at 20Ãâà °C can be different to the drying power of 33% humidity at 30Ãâà °C which could affect the rate of desiccation in Slaters and therefore affect the data on the rate of movement. So by keeping the same temperature in all experiments I made sure that the data was valid and not a result of different drying powers due to different temperatures. By allowing timing before each testing it meant that the Slaters werent out of their comfort zone and by the time it came to testing the results were based on the Slaters natural response to the change in humidity and not by the fact that they were under stressful conditions. Also by taking a large sample size and repeating the test numerous times through different trials I made sure that the data I collected was an accurate representation of the populations reactions to changes in humidity and how it affects their rate of movement. The large random sample size means that the results were not based on one type of Slaters change in rate of movement; for example the change in rate of movement in old Slaters. Therefore by having a random selection of Slaters I was incorporating all types of Slaters so the data I collect was an accurate response of the populations change in the rate of movement relative to change in humidity. The repeat trials also meant that my results could be conclusi ve and when I came across an outlier that would have disrupted my results I would have be able to successful recognise any significant outliers and retest them to use in my average. Because I controlled these variables, my data and conclusion must be valid as the only stimulus left that could have affected orthokinesis is humidity.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Sir Robert Peel
Sir Robert Peel Christina Buenrostro CJA/214 Version 2 August 5, 2010 Roy Diaz Sir Robert Peel Today the world has become a very dangerous place to live. Sometimes you can not even walk to the store without seeing a crime in progress or a crime scene investigation. Children are restricted to their home because of constant danger that goes on in their community. However, communities today have a police department assigned to protect and serve and this includes helping keep crime rates down and society incompliance with the law. Sir Robert Peel is the founder of this structure that we experience today in our communities.Sir Robert peel started his career as home secretary in 1821(Norman, 1986}. While in office he started to establish a system of preventing crimes and also reforming criminals rather then punishing them. Death penalties in minor crimes were basically abolished and criminal laws were made more humane. Robert peel reformed the goal system; he introduced a payment for gaole rs and provided education for inmates. The gaol was a jail that housed prisoners. Prison systems also were reformed and went under supervision of the central government. In the early nineteenth century the law enforcement system in London began to collapse.It had grown in to an industrial city with various problems such as poverty, disorder, ethnic conflict and experienced rising crime. Peel fought for many years to establish what we know today as the London Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. Officers were known as the ââ¬Å"Bobbiesâ⬠to honor Sir Robert Peel. The police in London introduced three elements that have become our foundation of American policing they included having a mission, strategy, and organization structure. Before the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, officers only responded when a crime had already occurred. If a crime had appen the victims would have to seek out patrol officers. The new police mission was to try to prevent crime before it happened. This open ed the door for continuously patrolling which were referred as fixed ââ¬Å"beatsâ⬠. Officers had to maintain a visible presence through the community. This insured security for the public and their safety. The new police used strategies to help enforce the law. This included evaluating crime rates and how well their strategies were working for the police department and the community {Critchley, T. A. 1967}. Police officers in London had to gain the mutual respect of citizens.Through the departments restrained and civil conduct they were able to establish their respect. The London Metropolitan Police maintained high personal standards and was under strict supervision. The public are the eyes and ears of law enforcement and they needed to have the public on their side. Peel brought organization to American policing. Prior to Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, officers were selected only on the basis of political connections. The men generally selected were in bad health, with no e ducation, and were often criminals themselves.Some departments offered recruits as a formal per- service training but other than that you were not required to take a test once the training was completed. Peel used the organization structure from the military which included uniforms, rank designations and the authoritarian system that included command and discipline. Sir Robert Peel had nine principles that he introduced when he formed the Metropolitan Police act of 1829 that many police departments today still reflect on when enforcing the laws and serving the communities they patrol. 1. The mission for whom the law enforcement exists is to prevent crime and disorder. . The capacity of the law enforcement to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of public actions. 3. Law enforcement must secure the willing support of the community in charitable performance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public. 4. The quantities of assistance of the community that can be secured reduce proportionately to the requirement of the use of bodily force. 5. Law enforcement seeks and maintains community support not by catering to community view but by constantly representing absolute fair service to the law. 6.Law enforcement utilizes physical power to the amount needed to protected observation of the law or to repair order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice, and warning is found to be inadequate. 7. Law enforcement at all times, ought to sustain a connection with the community that give realism to the historic belief that law enforcement are the community and the public are the law enforcement; the law enforcement being only members of the community who are salaried to give full- time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community wellbeing and existence. 8.Law enforcement should communicate every action strictly toward their function and never appear to take over the powers of the jud iciary. 9. The examination of law enforcement good union is nonappearance of crime or disorder, not the noticeable proof of police action in settling it. Enclosure these principles have shaped America Law Enforcement agencies. They have helped the communities trust the officers and have come to rely on their services. There is still a lot of issues that need to be addressed in Law Enforcement , but Sir Robert Peel laid the foundation for all the work.References Critchley, T. A. 1967} Evaluating Police Strategies A History of Police in England and Wales. London: Constable {Whig account} Retrieved from University Of Phoenix Student Library http://www. credoreference. com/entry/willanpolicing/metropolitan_police_new_police Norman Gash, Sir Robert Peel: the life of Sir Peel after 1830, London; Longman, 1986 Retrieved from www. novelguilde. com www. nha. org/sites/oldgaol. html www. newwestpolice. org References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete t his line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry. Sir Robert Peel During the research of Sir Robert Peelââ¬â¢s position on policing to the varied needs of contemporary society, it was revealed that police departments currently use the nine principles that Peel established in 1829. These principles are used as a foundation for the police to prevent crime and also to preserve a positive relationship with the community. It will be explained how Peelââ¬â¢s policing and principles are being utilized in the modern era and also show his position on policing. In 1829 Sir Robert Peel formed the Metropolitan Police while serving as Secretary of England.Peel stated ââ¬Å"The key to policing is that the police are the people and that the people are the policeâ⬠(Law Enforcement: Robert Peels Concept, 1829). Community policing is derived from Peelââ¬â¢s concept of prevention and has been clung to by many law enforcement organizations across the United States. Community policing requires investing in training with special regard to problem analysi s and problem solving, facilitation, community organization and other various dedicated training. The development of modern day policing has had many unsuccessful attempts and fake starts since the early nineteenth century.While Peelââ¬â¢s principles stand for an idealized vision of police movements, it has been known to serve as a stepping stone for contemporary law enforcement and criminologists. The impression of community policing can be credited to Sir Robert Peel in the logic that his principles have formed the core values of community relations. Peel created the police force, also known as ââ¬Å"bobbiesâ⬠or territorial police forces. The beginning of ââ¬Å"beatsâ⬠was first performed by bobbies as a formal patrol. Enforcement agencies still have police patrolling the streets with the purpose of preventing crime and making neighborhoods safe.Peelââ¬â¢s philosophy and community policing share the same concepts and goals in policing. One of the different simil arities between Peelââ¬â¢s advance and community policing is that prevention of crime is the main concern within our society. The assumption is that crime prevention is a duty that the community and police should share ownership of. Community policing and team policing is rooted in the idea that the traditional officer will bring the police and the community closer together and also maintain the professional model. When the police are dealing with the different communities and cultures, there must be a mutual feeling between them.The shared feeling can be classified as a sense of security and trust within each other. It was stated by Peel that having the publicââ¬â¢s support and collaboration are the basis for five of his principles of effective policing. ââ¬Å"The ability of the police to perform their duties is reliant upon public approval of police actions and they must secure the willing cooperation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to uphold res pect for the public. In our diverse society, police must understand the different cultures that make up the communities that they patrol (Law Enforcement: Robert Peels Concept, 1829).When a community has little or no respect towards the police, they are more likely going to pay no heed to the request or demands of the officers and force officers to use excessive force in order to gain control of the situation. An example of this would be the Los Angeles riots that took place back in 1992, when four officers were acquitted for the beating of Rodney King. This became a great upset to the public and therefore caused riots. The issue was so awful that police officers had to put on S. W. A. T gear and try to get control of the livid crowd.Nearly 2,000 people were injured and 53 were killed. The police department must examine and avoid such mistakes from being made in community policing. Another type of mistake that can cause troubles with community policing would be budget cuts within de partments. Some officers often take side jobs to compensate for their salary cuts and thus create a lack of integrity and ââ¬Å"dirtyâ⬠cops. People depend on officers to help the streets and neighborhoods be much safer but with cutbacks, being able to provide that protection could be difficult.Society cannot afford to be defenseless with everything that is going on in the world today. Sir Robert Peelââ¬â¢s principles of policing have facilitated modern day policing by gaining the publicââ¬â¢s trust to feel comfortable enough to call local law enforcement when assistance is needed. Community policing has been a most important focus in law enforcement because of the crime rate within the diverse communities. With the community and the police officers functioning together, crime rates would decline and the streets would be much safer. Sir Robert Peel established that police and the community are equivalent in terms of efficient policing.References Larrabee, A. K. (2007). L aw Enforcement: Sir Robert Peel. Associated Content. Retrieved from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/435980/law_enforcement_sir_robert_peels_con cept. html Patterson, J. (2010). Community Policing: Learning the Lessons of History. Retrieved from http://www. lectlaw. com/files/cjs07. htm Nazemi, S. (2008). Sir Robert Peelââ¬â¢s Nine Principals of Policing. Retrieved from http://www. lacp. org/2009-Articles-Main/062609-Peels9Principals-SandyNazemi. htm Sir Robert Peel Sir Robert Peel Christina Buenrostro CJA/214 Version 2 August 5, 2010 Roy Diaz Sir Robert Peel Today the world has become a very dangerous place to live. Sometimes you can not even walk to the store without seeing a crime in progress or a crime scene investigation. Children are restricted to their home because of constant danger that goes on in their community. However, communities today have a police department assigned to protect and serve and this includes helping keep crime rates down and society incompliance with the law. Sir Robert Peel is the founder of this structure that we experience today in our communities.Sir Robert peel started his career as home secretary in 1821(Norman, 1986}. While in office he started to establish a system of preventing crimes and also reforming criminals rather then punishing them. Death penalties in minor crimes were basically abolished and criminal laws were made more humane. Robert peel reformed the goal system; he introduced a payment for gaole rs and provided education for inmates. The gaol was a jail that housed prisoners. Prison systems also were reformed and went under supervision of the central government. In the early nineteenth century the law enforcement system in London began to collapse.It had grown in to an industrial city with various problems such as poverty, disorder, ethnic conflict and experienced rising crime. Peel fought for many years to establish what we know today as the London Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. Officers were known as the ââ¬Å"Bobbiesâ⬠to honor Sir Robert Peel. The police in London introduced three elements that have become our foundation of American policing they included having a mission, strategy, and organization structure. Before the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, officers only responded when a crime had already occurred. If a crime had appen the victims would have to seek out patrol officers. The new police mission was to try to prevent crime before it happened. This open ed the door for continuously patrolling which were referred as fixed ââ¬Å"beatsâ⬠. Officers had to maintain a visible presence through the community. This insured security for the public and their safety. The new police used strategies to help enforce the law. This included evaluating crime rates and how well their strategies were working for the police department and the community {Critchley, T. A. 1967}. Police officers in London had to gain the mutual respect of citizens.Through the departments restrained and civil conduct they were able to establish their respect. The London Metropolitan Police maintained high personal standards and was under strict supervision. The public are the eyes and ears of law enforcement and they needed to have the public on their side. Peel brought organization to American policing. Prior to Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, officers were selected only on the basis of political connections. The men generally selected were in bad health, with no e ducation, and were often criminals themselves.Some departments offered recruits as a formal per- service training but other than that you were not required to take a test once the training was completed. Peel used the organization structure from the military which included uniforms, rank designations and the authoritarian system that included command and discipline. Sir Robert Peel had nine principles that he introduced when he formed the Metropolitan Police act of 1829 that many police departments today still reflect on when enforcing the laws and serving the communities they patrol. 1. The mission for whom the law enforcement exists is to prevent crime and disorder. . The capacity of the law enforcement to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of public actions. 3. Law enforcement must secure the willing support of the community in charitable performance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public. 4. The quantities of assistance of the community that can be secured reduce proportionately to the requirement of the use of bodily force. 5. Law enforcement seeks and maintains community support not by catering to community view but by constantly representing absolute fair service to the law. 6.Law enforcement utilizes physical power to the amount needed to protected observation of the law or to repair order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice, and warning is found to be inadequate. 7. Law enforcement at all times, ought to sustain a connection with the community that give realism to the historic belief that law enforcement are the community and the public are the law enforcement; the law enforcement being only members of the community who are salaried to give full- time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community wellbeing and existence. 8.Law enforcement should communicate every action strictly toward their function and never appear to take over the powers of the jud iciary. 9. The examination of law enforcement good union is nonappearance of crime or disorder, not the noticeable proof of police action in settling it. Enclosure these principles have shaped America Law Enforcement agencies. They have helped the communities trust the officers and have come to rely on their services. There is still a lot of issues that need to be addressed in Law Enforcement , but Sir Robert Peel laid the foundation for all the work.References Critchley, T. A. 1967} Evaluating Police Strategies A History of Police in England and Wales. London: Constable {Whig account} Retrieved from University Of Phoenix Student Library http://www. credoreference. com/entry/willanpolicing/metropolitan_police_new_police Norman Gash, Sir Robert Peel: the life of Sir Peel after 1830, London; Longman, 1986 Retrieved from www. novelguilde. com www. nha. org/sites/oldgaol. html www. newwestpolice. org References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete t his line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Most Popular Essay Samples for University Admission
The Most Popular Essay Samples for University Admission What You Must Know About Essay Samples for University Admission A stellar college application essay is the most essential part of your application. I find that my online courses are extremely user friendly and blackboard is simple to navigate. This document might just be a sheet of paper or a digital document. however, it can greatly influence your college admissions application. These instances can result in rush decisions like writing a college essay immediately without reading the instructions that are made by the academic institution. Essay Samples for University Admission for Dummies As you know what it should say, it's simple to trick yourself into believing the essay says something it doesn't. A strong essay can provide you the very best opportunity to get in the school that you dream about. Our writers are well conscious of the core elements that constitute a winning essay. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, we're just the people that you will need to contact. If you're looking for unique, reasonable and topnotch graduate essay writing assistance then you're in luck. Sharing a personal story that's related to the prompt is an exemplary approach to produce your essay stick out from the crowd. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Quit getting into a customized essay list. The Nuiances of Essay Samples for University Admission If you don't, it is possible to actually hurt your odds of admission. Special offer just for you! Make a purchase today and get an entirely original essay for school admission crafted by professionals from the bottom up! College admissions essays need a tremendous quantity of work. We'll manage them, and for a sensible price, as we understand that students generally don't have a great deal of money to spare. The admissions officers want to get a reason to disregard candidates. The trick to convincing the admissions officers is in understanding what they want to find. Things You Should Know About Essay Samples for University Admission So for those who have an essay assigned that you will need help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. Your principal essay question forms an essential part of the paper requirements. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might want to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you can have more idea on what things to put in the college essay which you will create. In spite of exceptional grades, a poorly written essay gives you a poor name. Sending your law school admissions essay or any other sort of essay without a profound editing is a substantial mistake. This assignment employs a rubric. Along with the right format, you also need to be conscious of how to answer a specific essay topic with the proper formatting and context. In this way, you'll find it simpler to structure the content of your essay. The New Fuss About Essay Samples for University Admission If you're beginning to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by your essay, take a rest and do something different. Your academic record will be the main portion of your Montclair State application. If it's so, then you'll be having some challenging time for a student together with being a writer. Thus state university is not only the ideal location for me it is the sole spot for me. The True Meaning of Essay Samples for University Admission Besides having an exceptional SAT score, you would have to develop the very best college essay. Thus, State University i sn't only the ideal location for me, it is the sole spot for me. Today, most college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a particular topic. Upcoming college students might also be requested to compose a college essay for a component of their first requirements. The Downside Risk of Essay Samples for University Admission The letter of motivation is just one of the main pieces of your complete application. This sort of essay typically consists of a minimum of 250 words. Your essay is a special reflection of who you are as an individual. In this instance, attempt to hit the minimal words required and be sure that the essay you will write is packed with relevant info and beneficial specifics. The Advantages of Essay Samples for University Admission There's, obviously, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. In a feeling, the only portio n of the application over which you have complete control at this time is the essay. All steps of the procedure has to be shown. It is among the final parts of information that may influence admissions decisions, and it's the sole portion of your application that's totally in your control.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Prisoners Sexual Aggression And Rape Among People
Prisoner-on-prisoner sexual aggression and rape among people in prison is a serious issue with a longstanding history. Trauma histories and institutional violence are two serious problems faced by a multitude of women currently in prison. Womenââ¬â¢s prisons have a high rate of institutional violence, with inmates being both victims and perpetrators of sexual assault. More U.S. women are currently incarcerated than ever before. In fact, it was found that the rate of increase of incarceration among females is actually greater than that of males in many different classes of crimes (Brown, 2011). Three of the ten U.S. prisons with the highest rates of inmate-reported sexual violence were actually women s prisons, with 10.8% of inmates at an Indiana prison, 10.3% at a California prison, and 9.5% at a Texas prison reported being sexually victimized while incarcerated (Beck Harrison, 2008). This research shows that female inmate-on-inmate violence tends to be less than that among male inmates, but rates are still high enough to warrant concern. For example, Beck, Harrison, and Adams (2007) found that female inmates were the victims in 18% of all alleged cases of inmate-on-inmate sexual violence reported by prison authorities in 2006. The prevalence of prisoner-on-prisoner sexual violence has been documented through a 2007 national survey that provided estimates of sexual violence from a large sample size of more than 20,000 inmates. For a 12-month period, it was estimated thatShow MoreRelated Prison Essay1488 Words à |à 6 Pagesaggressive sexual act known as inmate rape. The fight against rape in our communities is doomed to failure and will continue so as long as it ignores the network of training grounds for rapists: our prisons, jails and reform schools. For too long, we have turned away from the rape crisis in these institutions, which now hold 1.3 million men and boys. In most of them, rape is an entrenched tradition considered by prisoners a legitimate way to `prove their manhood and to satisfy sexual needs and theRead MoreThe Criminal Lawsuit And Rape1640 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Pennsylvania Attorney Generalââ¬â¢s office recently came under fire for filing their defense in a federal lawsuit and rape case: the office included ââ¬Å"contributory negligenceâ⬠in its defense, citing that the victimââ¬âwho was working as a prison clerk at the same state prison her rapist was serving his sentence atââ¬âknew that the prisoner had open access to her office and therefore partially contributed to her assault. The two problems that arise from this are (1) contributory negligence is tort rule thatRead MoreThe Connection Between Substance Abuse and Sexual Assault Essay2277 Words à |à 10 Pagesconnection between substance abuse and sexual assault. In Canada, sexual assault and rape are far more prevalent than many people know and/or want to admit. This paper will be looking at sexual aggression along with three different populations of sex offenders and the correlation with substance abuse. These populations of sex offenders include: adolescents, college and university students, and adults (other than students). Before exploring sexual aggression and sexual assault, the following are some statisticsRead MoreThe Sociology Of Rape Culture1524 Words à |à 7 Pagestheory, rape culture is a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality. The sociology of rape culture is studied academically by feminists. There is disagreement over what defines a rape culture and as to whether any given societies meet the criteria to be considered a rape culture. The notion of rape culture has been used to describe and explain behavior within social groups, including prison rape, and in conflict areas where war rape is usedRead MoreThe Feminist Perspective Of Criminology Essay2349 Words à |à 10 Pagesdedicated to examining crime in a way that acknowledges how women experience crime both as offenders and victims. Because rape is a crime that primarily victimises women, it is important to draw on the feminist perspective when analysing it. In New Zealand legislation, rape is defined by Section 128(2) of the Crimes Act 1961 as: ââ¬Å"Person A rapes person B if person A has sexual connection with person B, effected by the penetration of person Bââ¬â¢s genitalia by person Aââ¬â¢s penis,ââ¬â (a) without person Bââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich1455 Words à |à 6 Pagesdefinitely stimulate further conversation among historians and history lovers and historiography on this subject as the authorââ¬â¢s thesis is quite controversial. Overall, I have liked the thoroughness of this book and all the interesting insights in which I have never come upon with other books talking about the Third Reich, I donââ¬â¢t recommend taking this for pleasure reading but rather for research purpose only as to be honest, it was quite boring in my opinion. The Rape of Nanking Introduction The forgottenRead MorePrison Overcrowding Essay3058 Words à |à 13 Pageslawmaking, and law enforcement. All of these things and more will be and are affected by this issue. Prisons in the United States are funded by taxes. The average cost of locking someone up is over $30,000 a year. The high costs are not just for the prisoners needs but for security personnel and the physical plant (Smith, 2006). In 1995 governmental units collectively spent 5.1 billion dollars for the creation of new prisons and prison space and for every 100 million spent it is estimated that it willRead MorePrevention Programs : Rape, And The Safer Travel At Night Campaign Program2369 Words à |à 10 PagesPrevention Programs: Forcible rape has been an ongoing problem in the United States for many years. Researchers and scientist have experimented for years with different programs targeting specific groups in order to deter further rape, sexual assault, and abuse from occurring. There are many programs that have been put into action over the years; two of the most well-known and successful programs were Project 290/Sexual Habitual Offender Program (SHOP) and the Safer Travel at Night Campaign programRead More Violence Towards Women in Tibet Essay5190 Words à |à 21 Pageswomen can also have numerous husbands. Among poor people, polyandry was very common. Brothers would share a wife so they would not have to divide their land and wealth. In this manner, they could keep the money and possessions they owned within the family. On the contrary, within some poor families, sisters would share one husband. Although polygamy and polyandry are legal within Tibet and may be prevalent in poor areas, the practi ce has been reduced. Among rich families, monogamy is much moreRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency : The United States1458 Words à |à 6 Pagesfor delinquent youth behavior. Juvenile crime is on the rise and is one of the nationââ¬â¢s serious problems. Concerns about these crimes are widely shared by government officials from federal, state, local, and the public. Given its association with aggression, substance abuse, mental health problems and generally disruptive behavior, juvenile delinquency requires high levels of public policy and media attention from professionals located within multiple disciplines in social work, psychology, law and
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